
Yellow ball=hydrogen atom
Black ball=carbon atom
Wood stick=polar covalent bond
Spring=covalent bond
Ethyne is shown above and Ethyne above has formula of HC2H. Ethyne molecule has a 180 degree bond angle where atoms that are alike to each are positioned as far apart as possible. Thus, it seems that ethyne has a linear structure since atoms are positioned in one line. Each hydrogen atoms are single bonded to carbon atom to follow duet rule while carbon atom are triple bonded to another its atom to satisfy its octet rule.


Yellow ball=hydrogen atom
Black ball=carbon atom
Wood stick=polar covalent bond
Spring=covalent bond
The photograph shows ethene which has formula of C2H4. We think that two bent or V- shaped structures double bonding each other at carbon atom forms ethene. To be specific, the reason wht there is one bent structure is because there are still one lone pair that causes other two hydrogen atoms to form V-shape. It is also based on two hydrogen atoms attaching to one carbon atom. There is a single bond between hydrogen atom and carbon atom in order to follow duet rule for hydrogen atom. In other hand, there are two double bond between two bent shape structure at carbon atom in order to follow octet rule. Nevertheless, other researches have shown that ethene has form of alkenes.


Yellow ball=hydrogen atom
Red ball=oxygen atom
Black ball=carbon atom

What photograph shows is Ethanol molecule and its formula is CH3CH2OH or C2H6O as an empirical formula. In our opinion, there are three types of molecule structure that makes up ethanol and there are linear structure, bent or V-shaped structure, and one trigonal pyramid. While oxygen and hydrogen atoms are bonded together to form linear structure, 3 hydrogen atoms bonding with one carbon atom produced similar structure of trigonal pyramid. Lastly, bent or V-shaped structure is based on two hydrogen atoms bonding with one carbon atom. Therefore, we think that three structures single bonding each other forms ethanol molecule.


Yellow ball=hydrogen atom
Black ball=carbon atom
Red ball=oxygen atom
Wood stick=polar covalent bond
The photograph above shows methanol molecule that has chemical formula CH3OH or CH4O. The structure of the methanol molecule is based on one trigonal pyramid structure for 3 hydrogen atoms in one carbon atom and one linear structure that bonded with oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Therefore, both trigonal pyramid and linear structure are single bonded each other to form methanol molecule. Another way of saying the methanol structure will be this: it is composed of 3 elements, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. One carbon atom with 3 hydrogen atoms is bonded to oxygen atom that is bonded with one hydrogen. All of the bonds in methanol molecule are single bonds.


Black ball=carbon atom
Yellow ball=hydrogen atom
Wood stick=polar covalent bond

Ethane molecule is shown above and ethane is chemical compound with chemical formula C2H6. In our opinion, we think that the structure of the Ethane is based on two trigonal pyramid joining together since there is still single lone electron that pushes other three bonds of hydrogen that connects carbon atom. However, their actual structure is aliphatic hydrocarbon that contains two-carbon alkane. Bonds that connects either hydrogen atoms or carbon atoms satisfies duet or octet rule for ethane molecule. For example, carbon atom is sharing 4 pairs of electrons which supports that it followed octet rule. In addition, all bonds in ethane are single bond.


Yellow ball=hydrogen atom
Black ball=Carbon atom
Wood stick=polar covalent bond

Methane molecule is shown above and the formula for the Methane molecule is CH4. As the photograph shows, four hydrogen atoms are single bonded to carbon atom and each bond has angle of 109.5 degree. The bonds satisfies octet rule for carbon atom as well as duet rule for hydrogen atoms. The overall structure of the methane is tetrahedral structure because the tetrahedral arrangement of electron pairs produces a tetrahedral arrangement of hydrogen atoms and thus, the structure of methane is tetrahedron. In addition, it cannot be trigonal pyramid because it has a tetrahedral arrangement of electron pairs and as well as a tetrahedral arrangement of atoms.


Sky blue ball=nitrogen atom
Yellow ball=hydrogen ball
Wood stick=polar covalent bond
Ammonia is on the photograph and its molecule formula is NH3.The ammonia molecule has a shape that has three hydrogen atoms connecting one nitrogen atom in a single bond and as a result, there is one lone pair in nitrogen atom to fulfill octet rule. The ammonia molecule also has a tetrahedral arrangement of election pairs but not a tetrahedral arrangement of atoms. It's structure could be tetrahedron but since hydrogen atoms in the molecule occupy only three corners of the tetrahedron, the structure of ammonia molecule is trigonal pyramid.